Freshly Brewed Cocktails

Switch out your after-dinner french press for a coffee-laced cocktail. 

Cafe Racer

Cafe Racer cocktail on indoor barThis cold weather digestif makes the perfect finish for a holiday dinner. It has just enough coffee to perk up after a heavy meal and elegant flavors that will complement any dessert. Recipe for Cafe Racer.

Margarita Negra

Margarita Negra cocktail on indoor barThis delightful and dark cocktail comes from the Louisville cocktail bar ALEX&ANDER. The rich flavors of Sugarcane Kola Syrup, coffee liqueur, and smokey mezcal make a delicious winter margarita. Recipe for Margarita Negra

Espresso Tonic

Espresso Tonic on indoor barWhen you're craving an after-dinner drink but not the alcohol, try this refreshing and novel highball. The dash of lime juice and citrus notes in our Premium Tonic Syrup cut through a heavy meal - leaving room for dessert! Recipe for Espresso Tonic.

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